Definition 1 (Topology).

A topology on a point set 𝒳 is a collection 𝒰 of subsets of 𝒳, which are called open sets, s.t.

  1. (i)

    𝒳 is open, the empty set βˆ… is open.

  2. (i⁒i)

    The intersection of any finite collection of open sets is open.

  3. (i⁒i⁒i)

    The union of any collection (possibly infinite) of open sets is open.

Note: The β€œpoint set” may differ from the regular point sets. Maybe a β€œpoint” is better to be understand as an β€œelement”. The definition of β€œopen sets” also differs from the regular definition in set theory. Instead, it follows from the three rules listed above.

Definition 2 (Topological Space).

A topological space is a point set 𝒳 endowed with a topology 𝒰, denoted as (𝒳,𝒰). Sometimes we omit 𝒰 and refer to 𝒳 as a topological space.

  1. 1.

    Trivial Topology. The point set 𝒳 together with the empty set forms the trivial topology {𝒳,βˆ…}. It is the coarsest topology on 𝒳.

  2. 2.

    Discrete Topology. The collection of all subsets of 𝒳 forms the discrete topology {u|uβŠ‚π’³}. It is the finest topology on 𝒳. Let 𝒳={1,2,3}. Then the discrete topology on 𝒳 is

  3. 3.

    Standard Topology on ℝ. The unions of open intervals on ℝ forms the standard topology. First, ℝ and βˆ… are both open intervals. Second, the intersection of a finite collection of unions of open intervals is a union of open intervals, i.e. they are closed to finite intersection. Thrid, the union of a collection of unions of open intervals is a union of open intervals, i.e. they are closed to arbitrary unions.

  4. 4.

    A counter example: closed intervals (or unions thereof) do not form a topology (are not open sets) on ℝ. Because neither 𝒳 nor βˆ… are closed intervals (open sets).

Definition 3 (Neighborhood).

An open neighborhood of a point xβˆˆπ’³ is an open set uβˆˆπ’°, such that x∈u. Similarly, for a subset π’œβŠ‚π’³, uβŠ‚π’³ is an open neighborhood of π’œ if u is open (i.e. uβˆˆπ’°) and π’œβŠ‚u. A neighborhood of a point (or a subset) is a set containing some open neighborhood of the point (or subset).


Consider the standard topology on ℝ. The open set (-1,1) contains the point x=0, thus is an open neighborhood around 0. The closed interval [-1,1] contains 0 and (-1,1), thus is a neighborhood around 0. However, since it is not an open set, it is not an open neighborhood.
